Saturday, February 18, 2012

Well I've been concentrating on Celtic Spring for a few days now and she's coming along very nicely.  I'm beginning to get the urge to do a bit more on Spirit of Winter though so this may be the last update on this one for a while.  Having said that, I've got an idea for another project altogether that I'm investigating - so watch this space.

Anyway  here she is.  If my daughter wasn't away at university she would have a name by now (the Celtic Lady  not my daughter :) - she does have one).

I don't know why, but my photos on here always look wishy washy compared to how they look when not on the blog - I'll have to investigate that.


  1. She's looking great! I so love this series....maybe one day i'll get round to buying and stitching them!

  2. Thanks Rhona, I do want to do them all but there's so much I want to do and so little time!
