Monday, February 13, 2012

I did some of my Celtic Spring last night and took a pic to show everyone.   I made a mistake and put some treasure braid where there should be beads along her waist and down the bit at the back of her dress.  No big deal though, it'll only take a couple of minutes to rip it out when its time to add the beads.  Its coming along quite nicely I think.

I have to get off to work for a few hours now (nuisance isn't it?) but tonight I think I'll add a page with some of my past work.   I'm slowly working out how things work on here (I think!)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Heather! You've made a good start to your blog. I'm new to it myself and I found that reading other people's gives you ideas of what to talk about.

    Your stitching is lovely, I adore the Celtic Ladies myself and have them firmly on my "to-do" list. I recently started a HAED chart myself. I've been a fan for a number of years and have a large number of their charts but never felt I was good enough to tackle one.

    I look forward to seeing your stitching progress!

